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Ansible 2.9.0 →

ansible/CHANGELOG-v2.9.rst at v2.9.0 · ansible/ansible
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to clo...

Ansible 2.9 “Immigrant Song” has just been released. Back in May I already mentioned how slowly but surely Ansible won my heart and I must admit that I’m constantly impressed with what can be done with this tool. It’s a huge release yet again, but there are no major changes – which is good. It means that the project focused on bug fixing and improving on things already present.

It also coincide with release of my new Ansible Role: Rsyslog. I’ve been working on it for past few days and found it good enough for shipping today. Should you look for something handling rsyslog on Ubuntu/Debian, give it a spin! 😊