After seven years of maintaining PPA with custom packages for Debian, I now decided to finally drop and close it. I no longer use Debian as my main Linux distribution hence I have no need nor interest in providing any builds for it.

That being said, I also decided to pack the whole repo as is for anyone willing to either pick it up or to simply have a look on how this was done for the last few years.

I also need to give the credit where the credit is due — Julien’s Valroff’s tutorial titled Build i386 packages on amd64 brought me into world of proper Debian package building. I’m not even sure how old it is, but it’s still valid today.

As far as it comes to the software stack, the only thing I changed not long ago was finally the switch git-buildpackage. All the rest is the same – cowbuilder, pbuilder, quilt, gpg, reprepro and simple nginx in front.

Package with the repo contents can be found on the PPAs website. It was fun and useful for the time being, thanks for the ride!