Here are some of my projects I’ve been hacking on lately.


  • Ansible Role: Container — an Ansible role that spins up an array of Docker containers on Linux. It can additionally handle arrays of Docker registries and networks.
  • Ansible Role: Restic — an Ansible role that installs and pre-configures restic on Linux & FreeBSD.
  • Ansible Role: Rsyslog — an Ansible role that installs and configures rsyslog on Debian/Ubuntu servers.
  • bpftrace PPA — port of latest bpftrace version to Ubuntu 20.04+.
  • Forwardly — super simple POST to GET forwarder using Gin [Go].
  • Tootly — super simple tooting from a RSS feed [Python].
  • Shorty — super simple URL shortener using FastAPI and SQLite [Python].


  • dht22_exporterPrometheus exporter for DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor [Go].
  • grrss — script for transforming 10 latest GitLab Release posts to a RSS feed [Python].
  • NGINX Extended — Ubuntu PPA with NGINX with some 3rd-party modules targeting Ubuntu 18.04 and up.
  • Tweetly — super simple tweeting from RSS feed [Python].