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ansible/CHANGELOG-v2.8.rst at stable-2.8 · ansible/ansible
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to clo...

On 16th of May new major release of Ansible has landed. For a very long time I was a proponent and happy user of SaltStack. I still have a soft spot for it and some formulas lying here and there. At some point, however, I gave Ansible a chance and, while it was not exactly trouble-free (I had quite a few habits from Salt), once it clicked, it stayed and is my number one automation tool period.

It’s a huge release, so many things are mentioned in the release notes that it wouldn’t make sense to go through all of them here and now. That said, there’s one thing that I was really looking forward to: python interpreter discovery. It’s surprising how annoying this one can be in a mixed distro/version environment. Finally no need for some hacky solutions! 🎉