Project 366 Summary

I learned about Project 365 from this post by Joe Hribar. By the end of 2019 I decided to give it a shot myself for 2020 – little did I know how difficult of a year it’s going to be. It was also a leap year, so my Project 365 became Project 366.
Pandemic outbreak happening in the mid February and also a newborn popping out at the same time proved to be quite difficult in maintaining a self-discipline to take a photo every single day. There were days when it was almost impossible, there were days when I wanted to give up. I’m happy I didn’t though as there were also days when it was difficult for me to pick only a single photo for that day.
It felt good to finalize the project with all 366 days having their own photo. I used my instance to post the pictures publicly and Day One appon my iPhone for a local backup. You can find all of them in this 366 category.
Below you can find a few of my favorites from the year 2020.

I’m gonna definitely do it again somewhere in the future – for now though, I’m gonna take my well deserved rest.