Awhile back I decided to finally publish my dotfiles. It turned out that it’s not necessarily such good idea to split config files into so many small chunks — it’s harder to maintain when they are split like that. Few days ago I stubmled upon GitHub ❤ ~/ where I learned about rcm.

So what’s up with rcm? Basically, it’s a manager for your dotfiles. Period. That’s all there is to it, seriously. But what more do you need? Well, there’s more if you need it, so be sure to read an awesome post by Mike Burns entitled rcm, an rc file manager. It will give you the very basis to get you going.

Personally I’m finishing migration from my not-any-longer-so-gigantic-Settings-file and couple of smaller ones I migrated to back in December. Currently my setup contains two git repositories – .dotfiles and .dotfiles-local. First one is public and is already available in my GitLab (my GitHub should follow shortly); second one contains private chunks that I’m not so eager to share (;

Because I’m experimenting with various virtual machines from time to time (doesn’t really matter whether it’s on some server or locally), I want my dotfiles to land on them rather sooner than later. Currently it’s a matter of two (sometimes one is enough) git pulls to gather my .dotfiles and .dotfiles-local repositories and launching one rcup command. Voila!