Rolling out containers w/ Ansible

I'm not huge on containers, but I can see and appreciate their value in rolling things out fast for testing purposes. I have my own server(s) running here and there and I use Ansible for handling pretty much everything on them. Until not long ago, Docker containers were among notable exceptions from that rule. But then I finally discovered[1] docker_container
module. The only thing I was still missing was better handling of defining multiple containers.[2]
Sure enough, it's possible to specify multiple containers in single playbook, but this wasn't what I was after. I wanted the possibility to specify an array of definitions that would then be executed on host or given hosts group(s). Something like this:
- name: cadvisor
image: "google/cadvisor:latest"
state: started
restart_policy: always
privileged: true
log_driver: journald
tag: docker/cadvisor
- ""
- "/dev/zfs:/dev/zfs"
- "/:/rootfs:ro"
- "/var/run:/var/run:rw"
- "/sys:/sys:ro"
- "/var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro"
- name: alertmanager
image: "prom/alertmanager:{{ am_version }}"
state: started
restart_policy: always
log_driver: journald
tag: docker/alertmanager
- "{{ am_port }}:{{ am_port }}"
- "{{ am_path }}/config/alertmanager.yml:/etc/alertmanager/alertmanager.yml"
- "{{ am_path }}/data:/data"
- name: postgres_exporter
image: "wrouesnel/postgres_exporter"
state: started
restart_policy: always
log_driver: journald
tag: docker/postgres_exporter
- ""
DATA_SOURCE_NAME: "postgresql://{{ exporter_db_user }}:{{ exporter_db_pass }}@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable"
It's so much easier this way to specify multiple containers, their connections between each other etc. It's also much easier to move specify them once in one hosts group and then reuse them in another with no or only slight changes (to variables for example).
Additionally this role also supports docker_login
module. This allows to specify array of Docker registries with credentials to log into before, for example, rolling out containers from a private registry:
- username: gitlab+deploy-token-1
password: $TOKEN
registry_url: registry.some.url
It's important to note that this role is not handling Docker installation. It expects Docker to be already installed and docker
python module needs to be present as well. Here's an example playbook that handles this:
- hosts: all
- name: docker
- geerlingguy.pip
- geerlingguy.docker
- hadret.containers
This role is available on Ansible Galaxy and its source can be found on GitHub -- bug reports should also land in there.