The Beatles: Get Back →

Simon Collison:
You can’t move for long and winding pieces about Get Back. Some writers focus on a person or myth, while others use it to justify their dogma. Me? I’m just a massive fan and have to write about it.
I wrote about my own experience with the series briefly on the Now page, but I figured it deserves more to be said about it. I found Simon’s review best of many I’ve read in the past two months. It’s like the world re-discovered The Beatles. So many people in my circles were talking and writing about it that it’s hard to count.
From my early childhood I’ve been conditioned by my older brother to listen to the Fab Four. We both remained fans for life. The delight with the Jackson’s documentary is hard to describe. Seeing Beatles in their creative process, so vulnerable and, at the same time, in such an amazing quality that it’s bonkers to realise this material is over fifty-three years old.

Dave Winer:
It’s looking like 2022 is shaping up to be the year of the Beatles for me. Get Back was really a transformative event.
It remains to be seen what’s the shape of 2022 gonna be, but I think some bits and pieces we are gathering of this notion already.

…has been announced:
The Beatles famously staged their final live performance on the rooftop of their Apple Corps headquarters in London’s Savile Row. This Sunday’s 53rd anniversary will be celebrated with an exciting slate of special releases, events and announcements, with The Beatles leading the charge. For the first time, the complete audio for the band’s legendary rooftop performance has been mixed in stereo and Dolby Atmos by Giles Martin and Sam Okell.
And you can listen to it already on Apple Music or Spotify etc. It’s incredible, the full audio recording in such a great quality. But that’s not all — be sure the check rest of story linked above. For me, I’m still hoping that the video recording of the full concert will be available to stream from somewhere later this year:
This Sunday, January 30, the 53rd anniversary of The Beatles’ rooftop performance, Disney/Apple Corps Ltd./WingNut will present a special screening event exclusively at IMAX theaters in the US and UK of “The Beatles: Get Back-The Rooftop Concert.” The 60-minute feature presents The Beatles’ complete rooftop performance following a brief introduction. The special event screenings will begin with an exclusive filmmaker Q&A at 12pm PST / 3pm EST / 8pm GMT.
I’ll leave you with the following quote:
It’s a wonderful time to be a Beatles fan, as the world shares in the celebration of the band’s innovative and inspiring creativity captured so vividly in January 1969.
Indeed it is 😊