FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE →

It definitely doesn't feel like over 2 years since the 13.0-RELEASE, but here we are. I'd love to write that this was yet another boring, eventless upgrade process and how I like it and all, but... Not this time. This release appears to be rather bumpy as can be seen, among others, here and here. On top of that my upgrade took over 13 hours to complete (it did complete successfully though) and I wasn't the only one affected by this weird behaviour: FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE -> 14.0-RELEASE Upgrade Stuck? bectl
was still in place so, worst case, I'd be able to rollback — in fact I kept that environment in place and I still didn't upgrade my zpools to the latest version nor did I bump any of my jails — just in case I need to rollback.
The most exciting to me inclusion in this release has got to be reintegration of WireGuard so now it's finally, properly kernel-based. There were some things that caught me by surprise, for example switch from csh
to sh
, deprecation of portsnap
or switch from sendmail
to dma
. Overall it looks like yet another solid release, just my experience of upgrading to it wasn't as smooth as I'm used to.