You can always find latest version of this guide on GitHub. If you find any bug, error or come up with some enhancements, please submit an issue or (preferably) pull request. Contents Following steps are going to be described in order to install and configure Seafile: 1. Installing prerequisites 2.
Filip Chabik
Today just a quick update, two new packages available in my PPA: * Geary 0.2.2: new upstream release. * Task 2.1.2: new upstream release. Enjoy!
About four years ago I was thinking about creating blog in English.[1] Not that I had anything particular to say, it's just writing was, is and most likely will be, very important part of my life. There were couple of issues however: 1. Writing in English doesn&
Now that eOS Luna Beta 1 was released, I decided to switch to it completely. Awhile ago I gave some nightly builds a try, I liked what I saw, but it had too many rough edges for me at that time and I switched back to Debian. How long will
* audacious 3.3.2: bugfix release, available in experimental. * deja-dup 2.40.0: first stable release of 2.40 branch, available in experimental. * midori 0.4.7: latest upstream release, available both in unstable and experimental (GTK+3). * uberwriter 12.10.02: first public beta, available in experimental branch (be
If you, like me, need distraction-free editor to create proper content, then you will love UberWriter! I started (successfully) porting this app to Debian and you can find 12.08.28 release in my experimental branch. Be cautious however, cause this release by default installs under /opt/