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Hi, I'm Filip πŸ‘‹πŸ»

I'm an Infrastructure Engineer at Ghost, a Polish remote worker in Berlin, juggling tech, anime, casual gaming, skepticism, cat love, and dad duties. My nonsensical opinions are my own; everything else is borrowed from the universe.



Previous Posts

Slackware 15.0 β†’

Asides β€”

The Slackware Linux Project: Slackware Release Announcement Slackware Release Announcement: Well folks, in spite of the dire predictions o

AdGuard Home v0.107.0 β†’

Asides β€”

From the release notes: We’ve had some big AdGuard Home updates in the past, but this one is to top them all. It’s been brewing for almost

Debian 11 β†’

Asides β€”

Debian -- News -- Debian 11 β€œbullseye” releasedDebian 11 "bullseye" released Debian news: After 2 years, 1 month, and 9 days of

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an open-source IRC client written in Rust, with the iced GUI library. It aims to provide a simple and fast client for Mac, Windows, and Linux platforms.

Move, zoom, and snap windows. Arrange windows in layouts. Auto-adjust to display setups.

Bear is a beautiful, powerfully simple Markdown note taking app to capture, write, and organize your life.

LazyVim is a Neovim setup powered by πŸ’€ lazy.nvim