I'm not huge on containers, but I can see and appreciate their value in rolling things out fast for testing purposes. I have my own server(s) running here and there and I use Ansible for handling pretty much everything on them. Until not long ago, Docker containers
π‘UPDATE (April 26, 2019): this post has been updated to include latest changes made to the project. You can jump directly to it here β I was lucky enough that in relatively early time in my career I bet on NGINX as my default HTTP server and essentially never looked back.
Last time I mentioned that I was working on a central syslog. Part of the task was also possibility to easily go through the logs, preferably with some filtering and what not. ELK-stack is usually the first thing mentioned as a potential solution. Essentially the goal is to land your
Recently I've been tasked with creating a central syslog server. These are very useful when one maintain couple of boxes (or couple hundred and more) as it can provide a single point of checking out on what's up with the machines. If it's combined
After seven years of maintaining PPA with custom packages for Debian, I now decided to finally drop and close it. I no longer use Debian as my main Linux distribution hence I have no need nor interest in providing any builds for it. That being said, I also decided to
It was about time to clean a little bit up my PPA. What was removed and briefly why: * audacious: latest stable release available in deb-multimedia repositories * deja-dup: newer version available in official repositories * geary: newer version available in official repositories * revelation: latest version available in official repositories * vala-0.22: newer