Recently, after I switched to FreeBSD on my server, I decided to pay more attention to the temperatures. As I’m using Prometheus with node_e
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I realized that I did status updates for security fixes in NGINX Extended... 1.14 (sic!). The thing is that in the meantime the entire stabl
Latest 3.1.1 update broke a lot for me (fzf integration under ⌃ + R as one example). How to downgrade? Depends on the answer of the followin
One of my New Year’s resolution was to get back a bit closer to the lower level parts of Linux. And what’s there lower than the kernel itsel
I'm following Brendan Gregg's performance-related content for years now. I started when he was still in Joyent, later on I bought hi
I already briefly wrote about the idea of having dynamically discoverable upstreams in NGINX when I covered the topic of NGINX Extended. Wit